Editorial Board Member - JFTFC

Tânia Gonçalves Albuquerque

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Faculty of Pharmacy
University of Porto


Tânia Gonçalves Albuquerque, graduated in Nutrition and Food Science, since 2003, and has a Master degree in Clinical Nutrition. At the present, she is performing her PhD on Pharmaceutical Sciences – Food Chemistry Speciality, at the Faculty of Pharmacy from University of Porto, Portugal. Currently, she is developing work at Research and Development Unit from Department of Food and Nutrition, National Institute of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge, I.P (INSA). From 2012, she is an effective member of the Portuguese Council of Nutritionists.

She has more than 25 scientific publications in international peer-reviewed journals, around 30 scientific publications in national peer-reviewed journals and more than one hundred publications in conference proceedings. Up to now, she has participated in 4 international projects and 7 national projects.

She is referee of renowned international journals, namely Food Chemistry, LWT - Food Science and Technology - Journal – Elsevier, Food Research International, International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, Journal of Liquid Chromatography and Related Technologies, and Frontiers in Nutrition. She is also member of the Editorial Board of Frontiers in Nutrition - section Nutrition and Environmental Sustainability and EC Nutrition.

She imparted lessons in several national Universities (University of Porto, University of Coimbra and Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz). She has also supervised students from different fields of research.

Other Editorial Board Members

Prem Anandh Jagadeesan

National Facility for Marine Cyanobacteria, Bharathidasan University, Palkalaiperur, Tiruchirapalli, 620024 India.
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Rosa Caiazza

Professor of Managemet
Parthenope University of Naples
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Vladimir Zaichick

Medical Radiological Research Center
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BELLO, Olorunjuwon Omolaja

Assistant professor
Biological sciences
Wesley University Ondo
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Will be updated soon

Lee-Hoon Ho

Food processing
Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin
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Osman Erkmen

Department of Food Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Gaziantep
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A Elango

Professor (Dairy Science)
Post Graduate Research Institute in Animal Sciences (PGRIAS)
Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal sciences University
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Andreea Stanila

Faculty of Food Science and Technology
University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (UASMV)
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Will be updated soon

Aneta Popova

Assistant professor
Food technology
University of food technologies
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VODNAR, Dan - Cristian

Food Biotechnology
University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine
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Food technology
Fu Jen University
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Muhammed Yuceer

Assistant Professor
Food Processing
Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University
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Sherif Ramzy Mohamed

Assistant professor
Food Toxicology
Al-Azher Univ
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Canan Aydas

Associate Proffessor
Physical Engineering
Hacettepe University
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Huseyin Bekir YILDIZ

Department of Materials Science and Nanotechnology Engineering
KTO Karatay University
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Bulent Kabak

Department of Food Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Hitit University
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